Home Health Program Women’s Health Project (Traditional Birth Attend...

Women’s Health Project (Traditional Birth Attendant Support)

November 25th, 2011  •  Category: Health Program

Although clinics are available in all the refugee camps, many women prefer the comfort of a home birth. Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) assist with these births to ensure that the mother and child are safe. KWO encourages and advocates for TBAs in all 7 Karen camps and throughout Karen State. In Mae La Oon and Mae Ra Moe camps, KWO also provides direct material assistance and training to practising TBAs. Newly arrived TBAs from Karen State were given training as necessary to familiarise them with the use of all hygiene items.

TBA Committees: KWO helped to establish and organise regular meetings of TBA Committees in the two camps. The committees consisted of a TBA representative from each section. They met regularly to organise training, share information, solve problems and advocate for their role in the community.

Traditional Birth Attendant Training

Health awareness sessions: The project staff, collaborating with KWO, TBAs, TBA trainers and other health agency staff, ran health awareness sessions for women in the community. In 2009 – 2010, these were run once every two months throughout all sections in both camps (total 66 sessions) so as to reach the maximum number of women.

Record Keeping: In 2009 – 2010, KWO encouraged and assisted TBAs to increase record keeping of TBA assisted births in the camps.