24 March 2014
The ASEAN Civil Society Conference/People’s Forum was held in Yangon. Over 3,000 civil society representatives from the ASEAN region were present at the conference, the largest number of participants since the conference began in 2005. This was the first year KWO participated in the ACSC/APF and our participation in the conference allowed us to raise the concerns of refugee women and IDP women in the context of ASEAN civil society. KWO Chairperson, Thramu Dah Eh Kler was a part of a panel speaking on Forced Migration. She presented to conference participants about the current situation refugees are facing in the camps and how KWO is working with INGOs and UNHCR to ensure the safe and dignified return of refugees. The ACSC/APF provided an opportunity for KWO to network with women’s organizations and other civil society organizations from across the ASEAN region about important issues effecting women.
- Workshop on Burma Peace Process
- APF Opening
- APF Opening
- KWO Chair presenting at conference
ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum Press Release
Over 3,000 Participants at Largest Ever ASEAN Civil Society Conference / ASEAN Peoples’ Forum
Over 3,000 individuals and delegates from civil society organizations (CSOs), peoples’ and grassroots organizations representing the ASEAN region as well as Timor Leste and beyond, joined together in solidarity in Yangon, Myanmar from March 21 – 23, 2014 for what became the largest ever gathering of ASEAN Civil Society Conference and ASEAN peoples’ Forum (ACSC/APF) since its inception in 2005. The record-breaking regional conference, held at the Myanmar Convention Center in Yangon, was also the largest of its kind in Myanmar’s recent history.
The conference, comprising 5 plenaries and 35 workshops, produced a statement which will be distributed amongst civil society in the region and beyond, and forwarded to leaders attending the ASEAN Summit in May in Nay Pyi Taw. The statement called on all governments to recognise the diversity of ASEAN people and develop mechanisms for protection of all human rights irrespective of religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions, including intersex persons, ethnicity, race, occupation, political ideology and citizenship.
“This ACSC/APF is a perfect opportunity to set a positive benchmark for the future of ASEAN civil society. Now is not a time for mistrust and fear, but a time for trust building and positivity, for allowing people space to express their concerns and their hopes, and to propose their own recommendations and solutions to ASEAN issues,” said May May Pyone, the Chair of the ACSC/APF 2014 Steering Committee in her opening speech on Friday.
The plenaries related to the theme of “Advancing ASEAN People’s Solidarity Toward Sustainable Peace, Development, Justice and Democratization”. Panelists discussed ASEAN related issues on globalization and its challenges, ASEAN integration in 2015 and Myanmar in transition.
In a landmark keynote speech at the opening session, U Tin Oo, Patron of the National League for Democracy, called for honesty as a prerequisite for genuine reconciliation: “Admitting one’s errors is painful, but it is an important step for reconciliation. We cannot let our ego overtake the welfare of future generations. We should be brave enough to face the past with honesty, so that we can work together to solve the urgent problems of this country. I hope that you will continue to encourage all sides to work towards a genuine national reconciliation that is necessary for sustainable peace.” He was appearing on behalf of party leader and Nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.
Delegates participated in 35 workshops under 4 clusters: Peace, Development, Justice and Human Rights, and Democratization.. Side events held by local and regional organizations created an open space for solidarity among educational and environmental sectors, political prisoners, labor rights, solidarity groups and many more.
In the final plenary, the draft of the statement was presented to the audience on a large screen to allow delegates to recommend edits before the final adoption, as part of an inclusive and transparent process. The statement can be downloaded from www.aseanpeople.org and form the conference Facebook page.
A letter requesting a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmarwas sent todayby the Regional Steering Committee on behalf of the ACSC/APF 2014. The request will call for the interface to be based on principles adopted by conference organizers: meaningful dialogue, advancing peoples’ voices and advocacy, mutual respect and self-determination.
Download the English ACSC/APF 2014 statement here
Download the Press Release in PDF here
Daw May MayPyone, Chair, ACSC/APF Steering Committee (Myanmar/English) +9595096935 / 095096935
PremrudeeDaoroung, Co-Chair, ACSC/APF Steering Committee (Thai/English) +66814342334
U NyuntHlaing, Chair, ACSC/APF Media Committee (Myanmar) +9595058285 / 095058285
Joseph Wah, ACSC/APF Media Committee (Myanmar/English) +959250752804 / 09250752804