The Creating Peace Project staff has been busy with project activities over the past six months. Some of these project activities include:
Peace Negotiation Updates:
Women community leaders gathered at KWO Central office to learn about peace negotiation updates. Leaders learned about the current situation in Karen State and Burma, ceasefire agreements, and the WGEC framework. Participants also discussed the Ethnic Armed Organization Conference and the agreements that were reached. KNU leaders were invited to share and explain their work with other ethnic groups.
Participants brought the information they learned during the peace negotiation updates back to their communities.
Community Consultation:
Creating Peace project staff held community consultations in which they shared information relevant to refugee return and the situation in Burma. Because of these consultations, community members gained knowledge about refugee return that they did not know before and they were able to express concerns to leaders.
Camp Based Information Sharing:
KWO has collected information about Refugee Return and shared that information to KWO camp leaders and KWO Camp leaders return to camp and share to their community of the issues.
Refugees are very concerned about the current situation in Burma, and they are afraid to going back. They did not believe the Burmese government. The community sees that the military camps are still working and being repaired and built up, which causes great concern. Land confiscation continues to be a problem in Burma, which adds to the concern of refugees.