“No Women No Peace”
WHAT: 5th April is KWO 30th Anniversary so we would like you to come celebrate with KWO on this special day. KWO Day celebrates the many women who contribute to building and strengthening the Karen community at every level. We will be honoring those who have served KWO full time for more than 10 years. We will also be launching 1 report and 1 book. These important documents both written in Karen language serve as important sources for our
community. One of the publications is the first Karen version of our seminal publication on Karen women village leaders in Burma; “Walking Among Sharp Knives”. It is essential at this time to highlight the importance of women’s leadership during the most dangerous periods of the long armed conflict compared with the current lack of women present during the peace process happening now in Burma. The other publication follows on from our Traditional Clothing competition last year and is a book in Karen about the rich tapestry of Traditional Clothing found in our Karen communities. The two publications will allow Karen women to advocate for themselves and better understand what is happening to the community broadly.
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