Saw Moo Ler Poe is 6 years old and lives in Umpiem refugee camp on the Thai/Burma border. In 2011 he was suffering from severe malnutrition and multiple disabilities, including speech and developmental problems. That year he enrolled in the KWO Special Education project. When he first came to us, he couldn’t turn his body or move around and resisted joining in the activities with his Special Education (SE) teacher and other children. Like many teachers around the world, the KWO teacher didn’t give up. She continued to work with him during home visits and specially designed play sessions. These changed his life. In 2014 he began coming to small group learning sessions at the Special Education Centre everyday. Now he joins activities with other children, can walk, eat, drink, and clean himself. He likes to sing, dance, and come to school every day. During story time he pays attention, looking at the pictures as he listens to the story. Saw Moo Ler Poe loves to color in and do other art. His speech is still limited but he uses facial expressions and gestures to communicate with the teachers and other people. He’s one story among many of the big difference this program is making in people’s lives.

Special Education Student Learning Life Skills
The KWO Special Education project also works with parents to help them support their children. Saw Moo Ler Poe’s parents tell us all the time what a difference the project has made. They use the activities the SE teacher has shown them and it’s meant they have to spend less time taking care of him. Just the fact that he can eat by himself and wash up has made everything easier and better for him and them.
Saw Moo Ler Poe’s parents told us, “We used to have to take him to the doctor every month at least, but now he is much healthier. He’s developed so much. We are very grateful for all the support”
We are in desperate need of funding for this project for the coming year. If you can give please do.