On 24th September 2016, a KWO team went to Naw Ta and Htee Thay Khee Villages to distribute clothing, pots, plates, spoons, mats, blankets, and new born baby care kits to all of the Internally Displaced People there. The materials distributed today were for children and adults, both men and women. We distributed everything needed together with support from our community leaders and supporters including Karen Unity Hope.
KWO would like to take this opportunity thank all of the Karen Community in different countries for their in-kind support and also those individuals who sent donations.
Based upon our needs assessment, this will be our final day giving out this kind of emergency assistance. For those who contributed, we will send you both a narrative and a financial report after all our team in the field is back to our main office.
If you would like to contribute to more long term support please contact CIDKP or KRC.