Home News KWO Media Statement KWO Message on the 16 Days of Activism to Stop Vio...

KWO Message on the 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence Against Women

November 24th, 2023  •  Category: News, KWO Media Statement

25th November 2023

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, marking the beginning of 16 Days of Activism that concludes on International Human Rights Day (10th December). This day holds particular significance for Karen women, as it symbolizes our ongoing fight against violence directed at women, with the aim of fostering respect, equality, and value within our community.

This year’s theme is “Let’s create a community free from violence against women.” Despite our decades-long efforts, we have not yet succeeded in realizing this vision. As part of the 16 days of activism, I want to emphasize five key actions to eliminate violence against women:

  1. Educate ourselves about violence against women and its impact.
  2. Reject violence against women in our community.
  3. Advocate for the creation of women’s protection laws.
  4. Take action against perpetrators without favoritism.
  5. Support the victims of violence against women.

Please kindly see the full version of the KWO message in the English language below:

Please kindly see the full version of the KWO message in the Karen language below:

Please kindly see the full version of the KWO message in the Burmese language as below: