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KWO Media Statements

As part of our advocacy program KWO regularly releases media statements, calls to action, formal letters, and sometimes joint statements with our network of allies.

Documents are in English or Karen or Burmese language, depending on the target audience.

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Statement: KWO Strongly Condemns Attack on Karen Civilian Woman by the Burma Army

July 21, 2020

The Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) condemns the brutal murder of a civilian woman, Mu Naw, who was killed at point-blank range in Karen State by two Burma Army soldiers. This […] Read more

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Statement on the 73rd KNDO Day

July 15, 2020

In a formal letter addressed to Karen people all around the world on the 73rd Karen National Defence Organization day, KWO calls for unity for our organization and nation to […] Read more

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Refugee Day Statement

June 19, 2020

The Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) calls for sustainable solutions that uphold the dignity of refugees living along the Thai-Burma border. Refugees have been fleeing persecution for over 30-years.  There are […] Read more

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Statement on KWO Day

April 5, 2020

Today, April 5 2020, the Karen Women’s Organization celebrates 35 years of work committed to community leadership and women driven advocacy. We are pleased to share our statement celebrating our […] Read more

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KWO Statement on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2020

KWO is pleased to be launching our latest publication on International Women’s Day. Please see our statement in Karen, English and Burmese Read more

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Statement:The Karen Grassroots Women’s Network (KGWN) condemns the arrest of Karen human rights defenders

February 20, 2020

The Karen Grassroots Women’s Network (KGWN) condemns the arrest of Karen human rights defenders Naw Ohn Hla, U Maung Oo, U Nge (aka) U Hsan Hlaing and Daw Sanda Myint […] Read more

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KWO Statement in Support of Boycott of Military Companies

February 17, 2020

KWO supports calls for a boycott of Burmese military companies. We call on the people of Burma to boycott products made by Burmese military companies, and we call on foreign […] Read more

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Joint Statement: KWO Joins Calls to Lift Mobile Internet Shutdown

February 13, 2020

KWO joins national and international non-governmental organizations in calls for the Burma government to end the mobile internet shutdown in Rakhine and Chin States, citing serious human rights concerns.   […] Read more

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KGWN Statement Welcoming Cases Against Burma for Genocide to ICJ

December 8, 2019

The Karen Grassroots Women’s Network welcomes the cases against Burma for crimes against the Rohingya in conflict-torn Rakhine State. For decades, we have experienced and witnessed the abuse of ethnic people in […] Read more