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Home Our Programs Social Welfare Program Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Project

Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Project

One of KWO’s traditional roles in our community is to provide practical assistance in times of emergency or crisis. This might be human or natural disasters, including floods, fire, landslides, loss of income, extreme poverty, cases of serious neglect and abandonment, or for those fleeing violence or armed conflict. We receive requests and information from local leaders, and we respond as much as our resources allow. We conduct needs assessments and we focus on women and children. We co-ordinate with all other community groups and governance structures and together we find ways to share responsibilities and avoid duplication or wasting of limited resources.

KWO emergency assistance prioritizes the most vulnerable people: children at risk, people living with disability, or a chronic illness, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, women with small children, widows and single parents.

We try to assist with the most urgent needs, identified by the beneficiaries themselves. Sometimes small amounts of cash are the most needed and most practical, but usually we provide material assistance such as food, clothing, hygiene items, cooking and water storage equipment, bedding, mosquito nets, and support with shelter or building materials.